
Fill in all fields of reservation and proceed to payment.

After payment of your reservation will be confirmed immediately and we will send to your email

contacts the apartment owner and detail location address.

Property booking
Millefeuil 21-1
Novorossiysk, CHernyahovskogo 21
12 Jun 2024 - 13 Jun 2024
Departure date must be later than the arrival date.
Please fill in the fields "Check in" and "Check out."
Unfortunately, the object is not available for the chosen dates.
You can choose other dates or other objects.
You have already sent a request for these dates.
Wait for a response from the owner, or send a request to other dates.
Minimum stay period for this ad — 1 day
Booking for one day is possible one day prior to arrival or on the day of arrival
Minimum stay for this period — 0
1 guest
1 night accommodation
2637.4261 uah
2637.4 uah
Booking code
Give the code of reservation to owner only after successfully settled in apartments, with the help of this code, he can get the money that you're paid.
Actions after payment
After payment we will send the contacts of the apartment owner. Please contact the owner in advance if you need to clarify the nuances of living.
The booking code is the code that you need to transfer to the owner after a successful settlement in the apartment.With his help, he will be able to receive your prepaid money for accommodation (prepayment). The rest of the funds you pay "on hand" to the owner after a successful settlement.
Personal Info tourist Personal information
Second name:
E-mail: *
Telephone number: *
Payment information and the conditions of cancellation
Cancellation conditions for prepayment

Cancellation less than 4 days before arrival: In case of cancellation by the owner:
the owner returns the amount prepaid by the tourist.

If canceled by the tourist: 100% of the prepaid amount is withheld as a fine for cancellation.


Cancellation of booking more than 4 days before arrival:
In case of cancellation by the owner: the owner returns the amount prepaid by the tourist.

In case of cancellation by the tourist: 50% of the prepayment amount is withheld as a fine, the remaining part of the prepayment is returned to the tourist, minus the bank transfer fees.