1-rooms. apartment for 2 guests, 50 m2
per day
per day
Languages: Українська
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site
per day
The owner
Languages: Українська
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site
flat description
Odnokіmnatna apartment in novobudovі.Єvroremont, autonomous Seared, kitchens priladdya, pobutova tehnіka, clean postіlna bіlizna all neobhіdne for a comfortable stay. Nearby, a 10-hv.hodbi, w / w station, supermarket, barium, rinok.Nadaєmo zvіtnі dokumenti.Vi zalishites zadovolenі vіdpochinkom at nas.Chekaєmo you.
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