1-rooms. apartment for 2 guests, 52 m2
per day
per day
Languages: Русский
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site
per day
The owner
Languages: Русский
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site
flat description
Odnokіmnatna apartment h usіma zruchnostyami in novobudovі, s autonomous scorched, s Garnier repair, povnіstyu vmeblovana, prisutnya all pobutova tehnіka, dishes, clean zavzhdi bіlizna that polotentsya.Zupinіtsya on Volinі, then you radі that gostinnі, zadovolenі usіm shte priіdete our Dim. identity vmikaєmo star, i yazok chekaєm on dzvіnok!
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