1-rooms. apartment for 2 guests, 34 m2,
1 floor 3-s -storey building

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Children Age 2 — 12
Maximum 2 guests (not counting infants)
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Minimum stay period for this ad — 1 day
Booking for one day is possible one day prior to arrival or on the day of arrival
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Maximum 2 guests (not counting infants)
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per day

On the site since october 2011 Rent

Languages: Русский
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1035 per day

The owner


On the site since october 2011 Rent

Languages: Русский
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site

flat description

Good day Shanovnі meshkantsі that gostі mіsta Lviv. Before Vashoї uwagi 1kіm. Apartment nepodalіk Ploschі Rinok (600metrіv) apartment in roztashovana іstorichnomu budinku, buyout LUVs zbudovany for chasіv Polschі in 1906r. View zі vіkon on the beautiful church sv.Antonіya Polsky, buyout zbudovany 1902rotsі.

Nepodalіk Park Apartments roztashovany SHEVCHENKІVSKY GUY (similar to a park PIROGOV m.Kiєvі), often conducting de rіznomanіtnі gaїvki, contests, festivalі, takozh on vіdstanі 2 tram zupinok (700m.) znahoditsya Museum LICHAKІVSKE KLADOVISCHE de pohovano bagato vіdomih people of Ukraine that Polschі, zokrema I. Franco. nepodalіk budinku 100m. Znahoditsya 2 tsіlodobovih store that Vinnikіvsky rinok de zavzhdi can pridbati svіzhі Vegetables, Fruits that INSHI harchі. In zagalnomu lay teritorіya bіlya budinku dovolі zatishna handrail and steering znahoditsya parking avtomobіlya. Yakscho you zatsіkavila tsya propozitsіya dzvonіt. In kvartirі є dodatkovo 1sp.matrats, yaky not practical vikoristovuєtsya, ale to razі neobhіdnostі yogo can zastosuvati. In 2011 lipnі rock, vikonano osvіzhayuchy planned renovation of apartments. Tsіna danoї kolivaєtsya apartments in furrows 190 250grn, dead vіd kіlkostі dnіv residence sezonnostі (turistichnoї aktivnostі) kіlkostі people scho prozhivaє. Theoreticity tsіnovy corridor 1-2-2dnі 250grn/doba 5dnіv 200-220 UAH / ADD bіlshe 5dnіv 190-200grn/doba Dodatkovі power on the phone. +Chekaєmo your dzvіnok.

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Rent terms and conditions

after 11:00
Check out
up to 10:00
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Check-in/out terms

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