1-rooms. apartment for 2 guests, 43 m2

per day
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Children Age 2 — 12
Maximum 2 guests (not counting infants)
Departure date must be later than the arrival date.
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Minimum stay period for this ad — 1 day
Booking for one day is possible one day prior to arrival or on the day of arrival
Minimum stay for this period —
Please select guests
Maximum 2 guests (not counting infants)
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per day

On the site since july 2016 Rent

Languages: Русский
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Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site
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506 per day

The owner


On the site since july 2016 Rent

Languages: Русский
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site

flat description

- Zvonyte us Right Now, We podberem for you podhodyaschyy option. Uveryaem you, you ostanetes dovolnы. Address: 78 vul.Pirogova íîâîì apartment house repairs and new urovnja STATUS equipped neobhodymыm everybody. REAL PHOTO obmanыvaem We do not have a otkrыvaemsya everything 100% - kruhlosutochno horyachaya water; (AGV) - kettle, mykrovolnovka (cup, spoon, fork, knife, stack, tarelky); - Access to bezlymytnoy network Wi-Fi; We "always" freely and mozhem We Suggest you differently urovnja apartments and tsenovo bands from 280 to 600 USD per day of accommodation.

Tariff "Pochasovыy" from 200 USD. Our Very flexible system of discounts of accommodation from 3 days, as well as, Very loyalnы We postoyannыh for customers. + The cost of accommodation for menyatsya Can such a dependence Quantity guests, as well as vыhodnыe and prazdnychnыe Days. The presence of a passport when poselenyy OBYAZATELNO! -Konfydentsyalnost harantyruem. -Komandyrovochnыm predostavlyaem otchetnost for Accountants. -Predostavlyayutsya services Transfer: Komfortnыy car take you for the apartment. - We always reshaem question with Gilles, proposes Individual approach for kazhdogo client. Very -Mы cherished reputatsyey own way, about something otzыvov They say hundreds of our clients. -C us simply no problem, you can dumplings in the Review and ubedytsya this.

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Rent terms and conditions

after 13:00
Check out
up to 12:00
Conditions of cancellation
Check-in/out terms

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