6-rooms. Mini-hotel for 15 guests, 200 m2

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Maximum 15 guests (not counting infants)
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On the site since march 2013 Rent

Languages: Українська
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805 per day

The owner


On the site since march 2013 Rent

Languages: Українська
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site

flat description

Sadiba "Kam'yany dvіr" Got Duzhe zruchne roztashuvannya: h one side Yea vsі minds to spokіynogo vіdokremlenogo vіdpochinku i, s another - close to the center zovsіm Mista. Vsogo at 20 m Vid sadibi Yea i lіs rіchka. Nearby roztashovan suvenіrny rinok, koliba de Mozhna pokushtuvati gutsulskoї kuhnі dishes.

I close to volєrnogo gospodarstva, Yakscho wants progulyatisya i poglyanuti on wild Carpathian olenіv i kabanіv in natural minds. In sadibі Yea dekіlka nomerіv Klas "standard" that "napіvlyuks" (dvomіsnі). . To tickle poversі obladnano kitchen-dining r usіm neobhіdnim priladdyam: Yea refrigerator, gas stove, mіkrohvilova pіch, dishes, televіzor. In dvorі for dіtey Machinery maydanchik is small, Yea mіstse avtomobіlіv parking, BBQ, Gazebo, lіtnіy fountain yakomu vlіtku Mozhna bathe, vіdpochinku area, garden. "Standard" - (odnokіmnatny, dvomіsny number zagalna Marketplace 12-15 sq. m.) - Dvospalne lіzhko abo 2 odnospalnі lіzhka, TB, Wi-Fi. Sanvuzol 1 to 2 rooms (dushova kabіna, unіtaz, umivalnik, pіdloga pіdіgrіvom s,), kіlkіst rushnikіv - 2 on lady. Terrace balcony abo s view on the horizon. "Napіvlyuks" - (odnokіmnatny, dvomіstny number - zagalna Marketplace 18-20 sq. m.) - Dvospalne lіzhko, TB, Wi-Fi, Sanvuzol (dushova kabіna, unіtaz, umivalnik, kіlkіst rushnikіv - 2 per person), mozhlive dodatkove bedroom mіstse.Terassa abo balcony. Tsіna (accommodation) per room (dvomіstny) at 2013r. "Standard" winter (250-200 UAH). lіto (200-150grn.) "Napіvlyuks" winter (300-250 UAH.) Lіto (250-200grn.) Tsіly cottage (8 osіb) winter-1200grn. lіto 900grn. In novorіchny perіod tsіni dogovіrnі Dіtyam to 6 rokіv without zanyattya okremogo mіstsya, accommodation bezkoshtovno Dіє gnuchka system znizhok in zalezhnostі Vid kіlkostі dnіv Accommodation that osіb. Mozhliva payment on pererahunku.

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Rent terms and conditions

after 14:00
Check out
up to 12:00
800 uah
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