1-rooms. apartment for 2 guests, 28 m2

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Children Age 2 — 12
Maximum 2 guests (not counting infants)
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Minimum stay period for this ad — 1 day
Booking for one day is possible one day prior to arrival or on the day of arrival
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Maximum 2 guests (not counting infants)
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per day

On the site since august 2014 Rent

Languages: Русский
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460 per day

The owner


On the site since august 2014 Rent

Languages: Русский
Contact the owner
Communicate only through Roomer. For security reasons, never transfer money and do not communicate outside the site

flat description

Suchasnі that zatishnі apartment WorldWideStudies s by a new tehnіkoyu, Kitchen Furniture that (svіzhy єvroremont) .Є all neobhіdne for comfortable vіdpochiku in tsentralnіy chactinі mista (vіkna vihodyat in zatishny dvir). The apartments Yea: WI-FI (40MB c), zruchne that great lіzhko (єvroknizhka), refrigerator, el.

plitka that oven, crockery, LED televіzor, digital telebachennya (70 bіlshe kanalіv that pereglyad fіlmіv online), hair dryer, Prasquier, ventelyator Barney stіyka s krіslami, Washing machine, shower (hot water 24god.) svіzha bіlizna that you rushniki.Takozh priєmno zdivuyut: lava lamp, unіversalne charger for mobіlnogo, dodatkovі obіgrіvachі, dryer VZUTTYA she Lots Other. Gnuchka system znizhok: Bіlshe 3 dіb 5% Bіlshe7 dіb 10% Bіlshe 14 dіb-15-20% of the settlements up to 2 cholovіk in one apartment h plavayuchim grafіkom at nayavnostі document scho posvіdchuє osobu.Zaklikayu vsіh bronyuvati Apartments vіdpovіdno to kіlkostі osіb on yakі Ti rozrahovanі. Poselyatis odnokіmnatnі Apartments in Buda nepripustimo GROUP great. Vіdmіnna the conveying rozvyazka.Dlya Vashoї BEZPEKA 5 poversі stand dodatkovі dverі.Cherez road znahoditsya pіonerskіy Park Station Vid-15hv (pіshki abo zupinki 2) to ratushі, pharmacies, "Silpo" market analysis that rozvazhalnogo center "PLAZA" -5hv maximum іndivіdualny pіdhіd to kozhkogo klієnta. Chastina koshtіv pіde on Blagodijnost Chekaєmo in gostі!)

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after 0:00
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up to 0:00
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