4-кімн. квартира для 12 гостей, 120 м2,
5 поверх 7-ми поверхового будинку

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На сайті з жовтня 2015 Здає

Мови: Русский
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На сайті з жовтня 2015 Здає

Мови: Русский
Написати власнику
Спілкуйтеся лише через Roomer. З метою безпеки ніколи не переказуйте гроші і не спілкуйтеся за межами сайту

опис квартири

Hour settling !!! Near the subway!!! Accounting documents!!! The actual photo !!! Cash, bank cards and by bank transfer!
The nearest bus stop - stop "Dom Kino" (70 meters). The total area of ​​120 sq.m. All rooms are separate 14/15/16/18 kitchen 12 sq.m. , Living area 86 m²,
Bright and spacious three-bedroom apartment located a 5-minute walk from the metro station Belorusskaya and Mayakovskaya, Apartment equipped with all necessary furniture, air conditioners and heaters.

In all rooms is available free Wi-Fi network. In the bathroom and toilets installed sanitary engineering. As well, a fully equipped kitchen.
The apartment is located in the house, situated on the 1 st Brest street connecting the two central Moscow metro station - Mayakovskaya and Belorusskaya (hence a comfortable Aeroexpress easily drive to the Sheremetyevo airport itself Brest street runs parallel to the main street of Moscow -. Tver, never sleeps transportation artery, with its numerous shops, cafés and restaurants Leisurely walks through it will lead to the most famous sights of the capital -.. Red Square, the Kremlin and GUM in the metro station "Mayakovskaya" on Triumph Square, is the Tchaikovsky concert hall immediately behind it. - Satire theater and the theater Mossovet. passing and turning in an inconspicuous archway, you can fall into the same "bad apartment," described in the novel "the master and Margarita." Now it is organized Bulgakov museum. and after going a little longer, you can be at the Ponds . Just in ponds adjacent to the hotel building is a Moscow movie house, if you come with children -. sure to take a stroll to the legendary Moscow zoo and the planetarium, it is very close.
Hospitable and friendly staff will be happy to meet, help with accommodation and answer any questions. By booking in advance, you can arrange for long term or daily rent on the phone. A full package of accounting documents

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після 12:00
до 11:00
7000 грн
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