4-кімн. квартира для 10 гостей, 120 м2

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Діти Вік 2 — 12
Максимум 10 гостей (за винятком немовлят)
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Максимум 10 гостей (за винятком немовлят)
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На сайті з січня 2016 Здає

Мови: Русский
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10411 за добу

Власник квартири


На сайті з січня 2016 Здає

Мови: Русский
Написати власнику
Спілкуйтеся лише через Roomer. З метою безпеки ніколи не переказуйте гроші і не спілкуйтеся за межами сайту

опис квартири

We present to your attention a luxurious 4-room apartment located in a pre-revolutionary building built in 1910, in the very heart of the capital - on Arbat Street. The building at the above address was built as the apartment building of Panyushev. The architect of the building was V.A. Cossacks. The famous writer Anatoly Rybakov, the author of the book Children of the Arbat, lived in this house.

The excellent location of the apartment will delight all residents and guests of the capital! The entrance to the building is from the Arbat side, walks along which are a real pleasure. You can walk to Red Square in 15-20 minutes at a leisurely pace. This place will fill your vacation with unforgettable impressions and positive emotions. The apartment is ideal for a large family with children or single travelers. Each room has its own bathroom, which is very convenient for large companies. The apartment is fully equipped with all necessary furniture, appliances for a comfortable stay. There is an unusual room, which you can access through a spiral staircase. For guests, on-site parking is available. We provide you with sets of bed linen, towels, household chemicals, hygiene products, tea, coffee. Also throughout the apartment there is free Wi-Fi, digital TV. Apartments for long stays are cleaned once every five days. Please note that we do not smoke and do not hold entertainment events, parties, bride redemption, etc. Upon arrival, we take an insurance deposit in the amount of 5,000 rubles, which is returned in full on the day of departure, in full compliance with the rules of residence. Call, we will be glad to cooperation.

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